Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Movie review: Money No Enough II

Title: Money No Enough II
Category: Movie

A famous local production by Jack Neo, the second “serial” after Money No Enough l. Needless to say much, and I guess most people would be familiar with this movie. This is one of the most touching movies with lots of unforgettable scenes. However, if you do not know what the story is about, please do visit the above website for more details.

Jack Neo, a home-grown famous artist and producer, aims to produce movies close to the heart of Singaporeans. His movies are not only showcased in Singapore, but also in various other countries such as Malaysia as well.

This movie is popular not just because it is a local production. The main reasons behind its success is the content of the story, which acts as logos as they are logical and true in Singapore, and the character of the people featured in the movie. The characters were able to stir emotions among individuals, which is pathos. The show has used ideas that are unique and local to gain the attention of Singaporeans. The recent hike in prices is one of the most prominent issues used. In the movie, you can see people “throwing off” the ERP gantry as recently, the government has implemented more ERP gantries. This scene makes use of pathos and logos to show the feelings of most drivers in Singapore.

On the other hand, Jack Neo has used emotions, music, and venue to bring out the idea of rich is not define by having a lot of money, and parents are willing to sacrifice for their children. There were scenarios whereby the head of the family was in a heavy debt and his family members stood by their throughout the whole period of time. The confused emotion, the insecure feelings were all featured very well. Many people have the perception bias of by being wealthy is through the measuring of the amount of money one has. I feel that the idols of the tribe and the idols of the cave play an important part in tis biasness. However, in this move, by showing how people stand by each other through difficult times, Jack Neo managed to convey the message that having a supportive family is the richest thing one can ever have. This message is seen through the actions of the characters, and not through direct conversation. The grandma who was lying on the hospital bed was willing to sacrifice herself for her children and grandchild’s sake. This need not be explicitly stated, but from the actions of the grandmother, it can be seen clearly that she loves her family a lot. She was willing to sacrifice her life for the grandchild. To enhance the effects, sad music were added to show audiences the kind of emotional tortures the characters were under.

Hence, from the movie, we can see that communication need not be verbal. Through ethos, pathos and logos, one can convey any message well. I feel that pathos can be strongly detected here A successful communication will not only bring the message across to the other party, but also has a long lasting impact on people.


Zed Ngoh said...

i have not personally seen this movie, but i have heard many good reviews.

Pathos, Ethos and Logos are used more often then we think. many times the things we study are things we already practice in life, but we just don't realise it.

so going back to school may not be such a bad things after all, as you learn the actual theories of what you have been doing all this while. the best part is once you understand how and what you do, you will be able to recreate the action at will!

Kenneth said...

Yes. I agree. Jack Neo has effectively used rhetorical devices to tell a story to appeal in terms of pathos, ethos and logos to create an impact on the viewer.

However, the main ingredient of the show that truly makes a deep and lasting impression on viewers is the cultural significance of the show. That cultural influence is truly the crux of this entire debate on WHY the show is so effective in gaining and retaining audience attention. Go Google "Standpoint Theory" , an intercultural theory. You will see what I mean. :)
Great movie review though! I throughly enjoyed it!

shelly said...

Personally i have not seen this movie neither part 1 nor 2.

However, i think Jack Neo's production alway used pathos,ethos and logos to capture the audiences.

Also, i agree to what you have said about the movie. The movie shows the problems that we faced everyday in Singapore which is true.

I believed through movie as a channel, message can be send throughout the world.

fen said...

Yes. I do agree with you Kenneth. The standpoint theory says that our viewpoint is partially based on how we socially construct the world, and through the influences of others.

I guess Jack Neo's movie had actually influenced us alot. =)

Anonymous said...

The use of a common background knowledge enables the audience to futher understand the standing of the movie. This very basic common ground however is one grave that Jack Neo dug himself in. No matter how He maybe able to capture the hearts of many locals, this is one movie that will not go international. The increased intensitiy of the background knowledge not only widens the distance of foreigners' knowledge of Singapore but also deepens misunderstanding. Jack Neo is lucky that the government oversees this point. A form of art it may seem but an insult it may be.

shawn said...

I've seen both Money Not Enough 1 and 2, and also many of the other productions headed by Jack Neo and his crew. Personally i find that his films are more based on local context rather than global. Common politcal as well as social subjects raised up in his shows clearly depicts Singapore's society, of which many of this are known and commonly brought by most heartlanders.
Another point i'd like to note is that in Money not Enough 2, issues that were brought up were not only current, but also critical, and it surprises all that the Singapore's Censory Board actually approved of this movie to be publicly viewed! A good step in giving more democracy?

fen said...

You are right archangel. The government is indeed graceful to allow this movie to be showcasted in Singapore. I feel that it is a good idea to actually voice out the feelings of the public through this channel.

None of the countries is perfect. I guess we must learn to accept the flaws of Singapore as well. Although we are still trying to become a more graceful society. To me, I feel that it's alright to allow foreigners to learn about the ugly sides of Singapore than to experience it themselves =x

Chan said...

i felt that money not enought should be more of a drama than a movie. i do agree the stir Jack Neo had caused, but in my opinion, it is not about the quality of the movie rather like what PM Lee had mentioned, it is the 'right timing' Jack Neo had made use of the opening of ERP, Money issues, family ties, sometime of a daily issue in spore to increase their ticket sales. This is so, becuase Jack can effectively communicate to the community about these issues as compared to the govt. It is easier to share troubles and complain than to remain rational about things. Compared to overseas production, we are definitely lacking behind in terms of story plot.

Chloe said...

Hi fen!
I have seen this movie and cried! Jack Neo has successfully portrayed what the real world is like through the use of pathos and logos. We cannot avoid our human nature to think that old people should be sacrificed in terms of giving them blood in order to save someone who is younger. This has definitely got to deal with the idols of tribe!
Good analysis of the movie!

Anonymous said...

I had watched this movie before. The movies that Jack Neo directed contains contents very close to the heart, like money issues, financial problem faced by families, ERP gantries, inability to find a job. Bringing these relevant issues into a movie, do capture our attention. And subconciously, we are exposed to ethos, logos and pathos which makes communication with the audience much different.