Mass media has been playing a big part in our daily life. Its impact and significance is something we are unable to deny. I feel that the spiral of silence theory is one that amazes me. This theory states that people have tendency to refrain from expressing unpopular ideas or views.
First, let me talk about why this theory amazes me. In general, most people are more than willing to provide their own opinions on certain issues. For instance, most of us would not hesitate if we are asked to comment on a new movie XYZ. XYZ may be a very lousy movie and not worth watching. However, if magazines reviews wrote that it’s a fantastic movie and not watching it will be your lost, what would you tell your friends? In most cases, people either follow what the magazines say (due to their credibility), or just choose to keep quiet since their opinions belong to the minority group. Why do we choose to hide our opinions even though what the reviews mention is wrong? Is that self-denial or?
So, why do we choose to keep quiet about our opinions? In my perceptive, I feel that there are various reasons. We, humans, fear isolation. “No man is an island.” Who would want to be the odd one out and stand against the crowd? I believe that no one wants to be the centre of attraction in the negative aspect. People often view another person as “weird” if his or her views are different from the majority. To avoid being the “special” one, we would shun ourselves away ourselves instead of follow the views of the majority.
Another reason is the fear of authority. Who would actually go against the government and criticise them? Who would actually dare to voice out their opinions and say that the government’s plan is wrong? To encourage certain behaviours of viewers, most of the time the media would only report the positive side of the government. In addition, which media company would actually go against the government? Our fear to commit crimes has stopped us from expressing our views that will offend others.
So how should we solve this? I feel that the media should not only report about the positive side of certain issues. Neither should they only acknowledge the views of the majority. Very often, it only through knowing the different perspectives of people, then only we realized what is wrong or we can find ways to improve certain things. By ignoring certain views become a disadvantage instead. Maybe it’s time we open up ourselves and be readily to accept any criticisms.
After all, the media should not only entertain us. Exchange of ideas and information is very important as well. Maybe we should not keep num about certain things but stand by our views and voice it out. The minority views should be acknowledged all together. What do you think?